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Игры для Денди
King's Knight
Kirby's Adventure
Kiwi Kraze: A Bird-Brained Adventure!
Knight Rider
Konami Wai Wai World
Konamic Sports in Seoul
Krusty's Fun House
Kung Fu
Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Soccer League
Kyattou Ninden Teyandee
Kyouryuu Sentai Juuranger
Kyuukyoku Tiger
Last Action Hero
Last Ninja
Legacy of the Wizard
Legend of Kage
Legend of Zelda
Legendary Wings
Lethal Weapon
Lethal Weapon 2
Life Force
Little Magic
Little Mermaid
Little Nemo: The Dream Master
Little Ninja Brothers
Little Samson
Lode Runner
Lone Ranger
Lost Word of JeNnY
Lot Lot
Low G Man: The Low Gravity Man
Lunar Ball
Lupin Sansei: Pandora no Isan